Mr. Pulci friend of Lorenzo De Medici says about him:
This prince of splendid parties but it is simple in his life of every day, in winter he brings a cloak with a purple hood, and in the summer he looks it on Fiorentina, the Luco ” a long garment worn by men in Florence in the 14th century”, and the son -in -law Francesco Cybo will be surprised for modesty of life. In his palace in via Larga ” Palazzo Medici Riccardi today ” he does not have a court, but a family friend who is always the open door and the table set. On the street he gives up the sidewalk to the oldest people of him, and recommends his sons to behave in the same way, reminding him that he is a simple citizen of Florence. This was the prescription of a contemporary man of Lorenzo de Medici that meet him several time in is life.