walking tour: Florence, Rome, Milan, Venice, Naples

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Florence Free Tour
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St. Appolinare in Florence its history

Piazza San Florence has altered several times over time, beginning with the Roman era, when the city’s defenses were built here. If you walk in front of the Bargello Museum, you will notice a semi-circle on the street that marks the Roman tower unearthed by Annifa beneath the road surface. One of these little-known improvements is located just near to the Bargello Museum. We are discussing the church of S.Apollinare in its distinctive form, but it is a rather ordinary building. In truth, that little church was one of the twelve churches of the Priories of Florence, possibly built in the sixth century AD under the control of the Goths of Theodoric, and was dedicated to Apollinare, a Ravenna martyr of Syrian ancestry. The two notarial acts of January and February 1065 are dated back to the mid-twentieth century… “Vinea Sancti APPOLENARI” (the vineyards of S.Apollinare, at that time there were vineyards worked by the monks) and “Petium Terre Posite Extra Muros Civitatis Florentie Prope Ecclesiam Sancti Apollinaris” (request for land located outside the walls of the city of Florence near the church of Sant’Apollinare).

Florence free tour
City Tour Free Tour Free Walking Tour Historic Tour History Tour Tradition

Ancient refrigerator of Florence

Certainly since the mists of time food conservation has always been a fundamental if not primary element for human nutrition. So everything that could be useful in the use to slow down the deterioration and prevent those phenomena of proliferation of pathogens was very important. The most common systems were those of the salt, of clerk, of use of fresh environments but above all the use of ice. The difficulty of finding ice in hot periods developed a simple but not banal expedient, that is, the creation of the “refrigerators” of the time known as Ghiacciaie or “Diacciae” in Florentine. But many cities were not close to the mountains so something had to be devised immediate functionality.

Florence free tour
Activity City Tour Food Food Tour History Restaurants Tradition

Best gelato makers of Florence and Tuscany

The best artisan ice cream shop in Tuscany is located in Florence, in Oltrarno, followed closely by another Florentine ice cream parlor, while on the third step of the podium are Sale Grosseto, Pisa, and San Gimignano: this is the map drawn up by Gambero Rosso in its guide to Gelaterias of Italy 2024. The whole ranking will be announced on March 24, in honor of Ice Cream Day, but in the meantime, the first advances of the eighth edition of the publication have been disclosed. The occasion was the Sigep of Rimini, one of our country’s most prominent salons in the pastry and coffee world.

Florence free tour
Activity City Tour Free Tour Free Walking Tour Historic Tour History Tour Tradition

Carnival In Florence 2024

The Florence Carnival will begin on Saturday, January 27, with the Grand Ball at the Palazzo Vecchio, followed by a big parade in the center free to anyone. The 27-day program allows travelers to enter through the Cortile del Michelozzo. The masks, created by Florentine craftsmen using the papier-mâché processing technique, will be distributed here. Sters, a mask icon of the Florentine carnival developed in the eighteenth century by the artist Luigi Del Buono and rising to the “identity” of the territory, will greet those present. With him, several judicial figures will accompany persons in the presence, like the master of ceremony.

Florence Free Tour
Activity City Tour Free Tour Historic Tour History Tradition

Renaissance Pharmacy in Florence

Almost everyone knows that Florence during the Renaissance period was very famous for various activities including that of the arts with and sculptors, architects, painters, who gave prestige to the city of Florence up to our tear. But not many know that Florence besides the artists was also famous for spices and in particular for some pharmacies led by friars of various orders scattered throughout the city. One of the most famous is that of Santa Maria Novella in via della Scala, led by Domenican friars. But there were also other pharmacies, one of the lesser known but always important for the city and for its stria was that of Santissima Annunziata, led by the Benedictine nuns, who directed the hospital of Santa Maria Nuova.

Florence free tour
City Tour Free Tour Free Walking Tour Historic Tour History Museums Tour

Crucifix Gallino it’s Made by Michelangelo?

The Crucifix Gallino (after the surname of the Turin antiquarian who sold it to the Italian state in 2008) is a little wooden sculpture (41.3×39.7 cm) representing the crucifixion of Jesus, who remains without the cross, dated to around 1495-1497 and attributed to Michelangelo Buonarroti. Despite the original allusion to linden wood, the piece is …

Pizza Party Florence free tour
Activity City Tour Food Food Tour Free Tour Free Walking Tour Restaurants Tour

Special Pizza and Drinks party in Florence

Every month the indispensable appointment for quality fans of quality cuisine with a special themed dinner with tasting menu and wines in combination comes on time. The 2024 schedule could therefore only open up with an evening of taste at the Pizza & cuisine restaurant in Eataly. Thursday 25 January at 20:00, in via De Martelli 22/R – Just a stone’s throw from the Duomo, a dinner entirely dedicated to one of the most loved dishes in the world: pizza!