Rather sorty, without great ads on the eve, All’ Antico Vinaio inaugurated a few minutes ago a new place in the city where it all was born, clearly in Florence. At 11:00 today, Friday 22 March, the owner Tommaso Mazzanti removed the card that hid the new shop, literally opening the door to those present, waiting, more with smartphones in hand to immortalize the scene.
Where is the 7th Florentine venue for AV? At the central station, exactly in front of the tracks where thousands of people start and arrive every day. Tommaso Mazzanti, after the openings scattered throughout Italy and the States, in partnership with Percassi and Bastianich, took the train to return home … and the origins: “With these two new AV openings, Florence becomes the first city for us To have more than 100 collaborators and collaborators, “we read until yesterday on the entrance door ready to be split. A sort of handwritten letter, with black marker, by the owner of the ancient vinaio who, in addition to the social boom, also takes care of the direct relationship with his customers. Furthermore, before the cutting of today’s ribbon, a minute of silence was observed to remember the DG of Fiorentina Joe Barone.
For the most attentive, to note the writing that stands inside the place, modified compared to the usual and totally red, in a slightly vintage style. In April, then, All’ Antico Vinaio will open a second store always at the Central Station of Florence, on the -1 floor or in the commercial gallery of the underpass, to accommodate even more wayfarers and dispose of any queues.