After the battle of Benevento (February 26, 1266) the Florentine Guelphs triumphed definitively and the party is enormously strengthened enough to occupy a very close -up place in the political life of the city. Thus the Order of Part Guelph is created established by Pope Clemente IV who granted his signs to the Guelph part who since then adopted the coat of arms: silver, in the eagle of red grabbed a natural dragon.
Within it there was another institution, that of the Torre officers, they were currently employed in the destruction of the Ghibellines towers, subsequently they had control over commercial licenses in addition to the maintenance and construction of city structures, such as squares , roads and buildings of public utility. Their heraldic coat of arms was formed by a podium tower with a Merlatura of Guelph type (the blackbird was a medieval element, i.e. a brick -erected masonry rise at regular intervals, in defense of walls -forceties or private building with defensive characteristics. The toot Guelph It is square while the Ghibelline is in the shape of a swallow tail). We can find them in the loggia del Grano and on Ponte Vecchio where we find most of the emblems of the order. In 1549 with a “motupoprio” also known as the law of the Union, the Grand Duke Cosimo I entrusted to the captains of the Guelph part the protection and protection of the environment therefore the judiciary of the Torre officers is abolished and their technical skills will be diverted to the new environmental functions.
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