The tower is a few meters from Ponte Vecchio on Easter of 1216 an atrocious crime was committed for a very serious affront that was to be washed with the blood. And so it was that the Guelph Buelmonte dei Buondelmonti was killed adjacent to Ponte Vecchio under the lucky statue of the god Mars by the consorts of the Amidei. Was this this fact that turned on the spark of the internal city wars of the two factions of the Guelphs and Ghibellines?
So the Villani writes after almost fifty years this unfortunate fact but this tragedy will have been or maybe a split of the Florentine family was already underway, perhaps both. The supreme poet in the episode of Cacciaguida (Paradise XVI, VV 138-141) indicates this massacre of the Ambris as the primary cause of the ruin of Florence.
Using the history of Buondelmonte as a model, the Ambrei family attempts another complex marriage. Oliviero Amidei’s highly regarded Geneva daughter is offered to Neri Bonfigli as a promised wife.However, the potential bride is once more betrothed to a member of an affluent Florentine family.
Let’s face it, a little cash and different sorts of hooks never hurt. The somewhat irate black man got the nestino and brought him in front of the Torre degli Amai. When Geneva and Oliviero turned their backs on the window, Zac chopped off his head.