Because of the Corbolini family’s residences nearby, the area now known as Piazza Madonna degli Aldobrandini was previously known as the Corbolini field. This edifice dates back to the early thirteenth century. Following the conquest of Jerusalem, the several orders of chivalry will establish genuine structures (magicians or commanders) across Christian Europe that will serve as points of reference for all the demands related to the Holy Land.
Although the Knights Templar owned structures and parts of Florence, this church in particular bears witness to their presence through a variety of symbols, including the crosses in the octagonal capitals and the iron gates. Following the dissolution of the Excelso bubble Vox by Pope Clemente V at the request of French King Filippo il Bello, the complex was taken over by the order of the hospitals, who later became knights of Rhodes and Malta. Character confirming the ownership of the old church, the tomb of Messer Luigi Tornabuoni, a Knight of Malta, whose date of death is 1515. Our Knight participated in the defense of Rhodes against the Turks in 1480, earning the title of Lyon of Florence from Grand Master Pierre d’Aubusson for his high worth and perseverance.