Florence Free Tour

Santa Lucia de’ Magnoli: One of the Oldest Churches in Florence’s Oltrarno

Santa Lucia de’ Magnoli, founded in 1078 by knight Uguccione Della Pressa, is among the oldest churches in Florence’s Oltrarno. In 1211, St. Francis visited, commemorated by a modern tabernacle in front at the entrance. The church originally featured a hospital for pilgrims, later integrated into Palazzo Canigiani. Throughout its history, the church has been known by various names, including “de’ Bardi” and “delle Rovinate,” due to its proximity to the Bardi family homes and the landslide-prone area.

The church became part of the city walls in the 12th century and was later directly overseen by the Bishop of Florence. In 1421, Niccolò da Uzzano, a prominent political figure, restored the church and commissioned frescoes by Lorenzo di Bicci. Consecrated in 1584 by Cardinal Alessandro de’ Medici, who later became Pope Leo XI, Santa Lucia de’ Magnoli was elevated to a priory in 1638.

Additional structures were added over time, including an oratory for the Compagnia del Santissimo Sacramento in 1641 and the Cappella di Loreto in the early 18th century. The church houses valuable relics and underwent several restorations in the 18th and 19th centuries, making it a significant historical and religious site in Florence.