walking tour: Florence, Rome, Milan, Venice, Naples

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Florence Free Tour
Activity City Tour Free Tour Free Walking Tour History Museums Tour

Detail of Salone dei cinquecento in Florence

The ‘500 Salon is an expansive and awe-inspiring space, brimming with an impressive collection of paintings, sculptures, and architectural marvels, predominantly featuring paintings. The ceiling, a vast masterpiece with 42 intricately carved and adorned panels, depicts various events of the conquest and the grand apotheosis of Cosimo I. The elaborate scenes along the sides envelop …

Florence free tour
City Tour Free Tour Free Walking Tour Historic Tour History Museums Tour Tradition

Firs Sunday of July museum are free

All Metropolitan City of Florence residents will be able to visit the Florentine civic museums and Palazzo Medici Riccardi for free on July 7, the first Sunday of the month. They will also be able to participate in a variety of scheduled visits and activities that have been organized by the Municipality of Florence, the metropolitan city of Florence, and Mus.e.