At the Museum of Scanza Galileo Galilei, the exhibition of the artisans of Florence continues throughout the month of February and March. All weekends will be the practical exhibition, school of Florentine artisans. Activities aimed at young people and adults, focused on the recovery of the memory of ancient artisan techniques.
During the workshops – lasting about 90 minutes – the participants will attend practical demonstrations and at the end they will receive a useful guide to be able to repeat the activities carried out independently. The meeting for the booked is at 10.30 am at the ticket office. Before starting the activity, the museum will offer participants a tasty breakfast provided by the Caffetteria del Grano, Piazza del Grano 4, Florence, thanks to the support of Opera Laboratories Florentine.
Costs: Activities: € 3.00 per participant, to be purchased online.
The online purchase is valid as a booking of the selected date. Change change not allowed. Reimbursement not allowed; Entrance to the museum: ticket to buy at the ticket office on the day of the event. Reduction on the entrance ticket for Unicoop Florence members, upon presentation of the Member card. Take part in three appointments and keep the tickets purchased: on the latest activity, admission is free! Information: 055 265311 (Mon-Ven 9: 00-17: 30)