The double copper circular track in via del Proconsolo has a fascinating history: it is the fruit of the excavations of the eighties and nineties, which have brought to light a tower and a stretch of the Roman walls.
In via del Proconsolo, a stone’s throw from Bargello, on the stone roadway there is a double “profile” circular in brass. A double circle that has an explanation, fascinated. This is the circular track that indicates where there was an ancient tower of the circle of Roman walls, the first circle in defense of the city.
A very important find, the result of the excavations of the eighties and nineties, which brought to light a tower and a stretch of the Roman walls, datable between 30 and 15 BC. that is, the period of the birth of the colony by the Arno.
Via del Proconsolo runs through the stretch of walls of the eastern side of Florentia, and the city, which counted about 2,500 inhabitants, was enclosed in the quadrangular shape typical of the castrum, protected precisely by brick walls, many meters thick, with four main doors and many defensive towers. As in via del Proconsolo.
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