Between one invention and another, the volcanic mind of ….? you think ?! Of the great Leonardo da Vinci is obvious … to satisfy the requests of some Florentine spicy and scientific researchers of the time, our Leonardo invents and creates a crooked (glass object used for the distillation of solids), the base is round A little clutch, while going upwards, about 50 centimeters, forms a very long and thin neck which ends with a kind of small lip. From the base, a second neck that is twisted, its shape recalls the current Oliera. This glass bottle is called “Florentine bottle” is still used today to separate essential oils from hydrolates (aromatic waters). Caterina de’Medici going to the future Enrico II, surrounded himself at the court of Florentine experts in various arts, among these also the art of perfume and consequently this type of glass bottle was introduced in France, which together with other glasses Created in Boboli’s “puff” will find a huge use by the Neo-academy of the Cimento and obviously by the Speziale of Santa Maria Novella to distill their scents. A simple but ingenious object at the same time … If you like this story you can come to visit the city of Florence in our tour, we are making a Florence free tour that start from Santa Maria Novella square in front of Minerva Hotel.