In the central Piazza S.Firenze at the corner of Borgo dei Greci and via dei Leoni, we find an ancient building transformed over the centuries into a real luxury hotel. Belonging to the Peruzzi family like other nearby properties, a plaque with a quote by Dante Alighieri of the song of Paradise, placed on the facade recalls the belonging of this place.
Already in past times it was remembered for its services, just remember the running water inside the rooms and a large stable for the horses of the guests of the hotel a sort of parking of the time. In the early nineteenth century he took the name of Albergo della Scudo and in 1865 with the advent of Florence Capital was transformed into a luxury hotel with large rooms suitable for the new customers. He was called Hotel Columbia Parliament thus becoming the residence of parliamentarians visiting Florence engaged in meetings in the Chamber and Senate of Palazzo Vecchio.
The current Hotel Bernini retains the nineteenth -century system with rooms decorated with elegant stuccos and paintings, on the first floor in the beautiful Sala del Parliament today room of the breakfasts we can admire enclosed in golden frames the portraits of many protagonists of the Italian Risorgimento such as: Garibaldi, Cavour , Gioberti, D’Azeglio and other anchors, is also interesting the balcony overlooking the room usa by parliamentarians for their rallies. Small historical piece of the times that were but always fascinating.