S. Croce neighborhood, one of the numerous streets in the area, but every one of them has its own quirks, like the little road that links via Ghibellina and via De’Pandolfini.
This street frequently has its toponym modified; initially, it was called “Via della Tail put back” (for the straight trend in relation to the neighboring twisted tail, which is now known as Via Matteo Palmieri).
Chiasso di Taldo was thereafter named, most likely after a Certaldo person or after the brother of Giano della Bella. at the end, the street took on the name of the bar, which was very suggestive of the activities that took place on the narrow route. It’s also possible that the well-known expression “in church with the saints and in the tavern with the Ghiottoni” was apostrophized.
Maybe because of the artwork on the corner featuring a mid-17th-century crucifix inside a Serena stone frame, called via Ghibellina, the road’s association with drinking and gaming was transformed into a serene area to such an extent that it While the name of Crucifix changed, toponymy persisted to the present.