Thus the major advice of the Signoria deliberates the construction of a public loggia: it is the Loggia dei Priori better known with the Loggia dei Lanzi or the orcagna. Before building the loggia there was an environment where some lions symbol par excellence of the city of Fiorenza were kept in captivity, subsequently everything was turned with enormous pillars in order to support the real loggia.
A curiosity is confirmed to us in the “diary” of Luca Landucciil which it tells: “And on the first of May 1491, a rally trail Loggia de ‘Signori and’ 1 Palagio began, in time which was torn on to the front of the door of the Palagio in the Loggia; with Inscalo, and of Verso San Piero Scheggio and towards the square; so that they could no longer pass there and nor other beasts; And also a little inconvenient for men, have to climb and go down. Whoever likes, and who not: I didn’t like it too much “. This rise was completely destroyed after four years given the difficulties he created in the passage of people and things.
During the accommodation in 1506 of the sculptural group of Giuditta and Donatello Oloferne in the loggia in the stretch of the balustrade under the arch that looks towards via Vecchereccia, to avoid a possible failure the structure is reinforced, and here the large turned environment probably covered is rediscovered After his execution, the chronicler Agostino Lapini writes: “wanting to make a little foundation below, so that he was safer, find that the plan of said lodge was thrown from time to time”. The rediscovery structure was used in 1511 on the indication of the banner Piero Soderini as a deposit of heavy weapons in order to have a warehouse of artillery “and are ten years old” as Agostino Lapini recalls. Probably the underground environment was also used as a prison and in the eighteenth century as a warehouse for the storage of the oil, about eight thousand barrels both for food use and for lighting and for accessing the “warehouse” a door was created in front of via della Ninna, still openly visible, look like a rectangular window on the ground.
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