We are at the Archibus region’s Lungarno, namely the area where the modern Hotel degli Orefi is situated. In this neighborhood, the Consortia degli At Mati had homes of its own. It was rebuilt after the Ghibellini demolished it in 1260, and a section of the wall that was painted with birds and an unidentified design is still intact. One of the oldest and most prominent families in medieval Florence was the Consortia degli Autumi, as remembered by Cacciaguida and frequently mentioned by Malispini.
Beside the carriages, they also owned the Arnolfi residences, which the Uguccioni had converted into a palace. These homes could have been in the structure with the arched portals at number 10 of the Lungarno Anna Maria Luisa de Medici and number 2 of the Lungarno of the Archibusieri, on the other side of the arch.
The Augustinians acquired the structure in 1515 and kept up property management until 1783. The pension preserved his persona into the 20th century, and in 1985, filmmaker James Ivory filmed a few sequences for the movie adaptation of the book “A Room with a View”. With a terrace with views of the Arno and the Vecchio bridge, the sequences were filmed on the fourth level.