On Sunday 7 April the appointment with the initiative of the Ministry of Culture returns which includes free admission on the first Sunday of each month in all monuments, museums, galleries, parks and monumental gardens of the state. Many of the places of state culture of the Regional Museums of Tuscany widespread throughout the regional territory will also be open free of charge with the temporary exhibitions still in progress, theme visits and initiatives. In Florence it will be possible to visit the National Archaeological Museum for free with the masterpieces of the ancient Medici-Lorenesi ceramic, bronzes and lithic sculptures and a rich selection of the Greek vessels found in the Etruscan tombs (and not only), some of which are renowned all over the world , like the famous François vase.
The Egyptian section is second in importance in Italy only at the Egyptian Museum of Turin, has about fifteen thousand finds and includes material ranging from prehistory to the Coptic era, with remarkable collections of funeral steles, vases, ushabti, amulets and sarcophagi of various eras: Among the numerous masterpieces exposed you can admire the cart of the XVIII dynasty, the pillar and the relief with the goddess Maat from the tomb of Sethy I, dug in the valley of the kings in Thebes, the accompanying of the nurse of a daughter of the pharaoh Taharqa, the relief With the scribes from the tomb of Pharaoh Horemheb to Saqqqara, the calyx of Faïence with a square mouth, the sarcophagi belonging to the great priests of the god Amon discovered in the hiding place of Bab El-Gasus and the portrait of a woman of the second century AD, a specimen of The so -called portraits of the Fayum who in Roman times were placed on the faces of the deceased mummified, among the bandages.
On Sundays open and free as always the Upper Sena of Andrea Del Sarto in San Salvi and the Medici villas of the regional direction: the Medici Villa of Poggio a Caiano with the Museum of Dead Nature, the Medici Villa of Cerreto Guidi, the Medici Villa of Petraia e The Garden of Castello where, in addition to the ancient precious collections of unique citrus fruits in the world, visitors and citizens will be able to admire the animal cave, whose extraordinary tubs, sculptures and multicolored stones have just been consolidated and cleaned of the deposits that blurred its brilliance chromatic thanks to a complex and accurate restoration. At the park of Villa il Ventaglio, open to all from 8.15 to 18.30, children between 5 and 10 years at 10.45 will be able to explore green areas and know with special free guided tours by the staff, the history of the park, the villa, its naturalistic aspects and all its hidden inhabitants.
if you like this article , you can come to visit with us the city of Florence for free, we are running a free walking tour of Florence. Our Florence Free Tour start from the square Santa Maria Novella and our guide are very happy to show our beautiful city to you. please book your tour in advance.