Benvenuto Cellini stabbed Pompeo de Capitaneis twice on September 26, 1534, at S. Lucia della Chiavica in Rome. Benvenuto, however, was exonerated by Pope Paul III.
Benvenuto Cellini recounts in his autobiography that he was given a commission by Clemente VII to create a button depicting a pi-vial during the siege of Florence.
After learning of this commission, Pompeo and Michelino Di Francesco Naldini, a Florentine carver, collaborated to attempt to create some drawings for the commission, but they were unsuccessful. Since Pompeo was a relative of Clement VII’s first server, Traiano Alicorno, Cellini saw Pompeo as his most dangerous and jealous opponent.
But, the Pope had to give Pompeo serious consideration if he commended him and gave him important commissions, as stated in a 1527 document. A 23 August arbitration states that Pompeo was charged for being a console of the goldsmiths in 1529; this allegation was repeated on June 25, 1534.