Need a cozy place to stay in Florence, Italy? Explore our list of top bed and breakfasts in Florence, Italy, and make your reservation now! Don’t west your time on the apps follow the suggestion of locals
1. Villa Tortorelli
If you want to relax in a cozy bed and breakfast, you must not overlook Villa Tortorelli. This quaint villa is within the historic center, adding convenience to your trip.
Many celebrations and weddings are held on the premises because of the views, banquet room, and rooftop terrace. You’ll get an authentic experience at Villa Tortelli and some of the most impressive photos.
Furnished with 18th and 19th-century furniture and decor, you can embrace the Italian culture. If you get the chance to stay, take some time to enjoy the private gardens and delicious breakfasts on-site!
2. Locanda di Mosconi
One of the most highly-rated bed and breakfasts in Florence includes the Locanda di Misconi. At this establishment, guests can find comfort in the spacious rooms and there is a hot tub on site.
Locanda di Mosconi allows pets, making it a perfect place for lodging if you’re traveling with family or fido. Although this hotel style is noted for its business and modern features, you’ll still find charm in all of the details. The lightly stained wood floors and moldings, along with bright paint, make each day feel fresh and calm.
3. Locanda dei Poeti
There’s something poetic about the Locanda dei Poeti, and it’s not just in the name. At Locanda dei Poeti, you can wake up and embrace the best parts of Florence, Italy.
Located near the Santa Maria Novella train station, Locanda dei Poeti will help you absorb Tuscan culture and get around quickly. You can visit many destinations within a few minutes, such as the Piazza della Signoria and the Old San Lorenzo Market.
4. Soggiorno Oblivium
While many Italian B&Bs captivate people with tradition, Soggiorno Oblivium took a different approach. This modern B&B uses art as a focal point throughout every room.
This property is located just outside Florence Cathedral, which attracts many of our customers to the area. After taking a tour, you can feel more confident navigating the area and discovering more about the unique takes on local art and history.
Find Peace in a Bed and Breakfast in Florence, Italy
You could soon be sipping on aromatic wines, viewing artwork, and broadening your horizons.
Identifying the best bed and breakfast in Florence, Italy to stay at will require careful consideration. Lodging plays a profound role in your vacation, so you don’t want to end up in the wrong place. Since it’s difficult to gauge the best destinations while abroad, we have helped you by compiling this list for guidance.
Choosing a tour can also be a difficult decision, especially with so many great choices to consider. To learn more about our tours, check out our reviews and book your trip!