walking tour: Florence, Rome, Milan, Venice, Naples

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Florence free Tour
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Golden Apartment in Florence

Twelve million euros for 450 square meters, with a 70 square meter panoramic patio. Their pay per square meter is almost 27,000 euros. We are in Florence, in the Palazzo Portinari Salviati on the Via del Corso, where Dante Alighieri is rumored to have met Beatrice, but the price is more than that of an apartment on the île Saint-Louis, in the middle of the Senna, in the heart of Paris. Enjoy an amazing view of the Brunelleschi dome and the Torre di Arnolfo from the panoramic terrace. Which would you rather see: the Sacre-Coeur of Montmartre or the Eiffel Tower?

Florence Free Tour
Activity B&B City Tour Free Tour Free Walking Tour Historic Tour History Tour

The highest man in the world …

That’s right, Florence also holds this record …. obviously I am kidding but not entirely. We take a step back and precisely in the years 1764-1766, when the HMS Dolphin (Delfino) of the Royal Navy commanded by Captain John Byron managed to circumnavigate the terrestrial globe, a company that is not really easy for those times. The deeds of the English captain Byron impressed the Grand Duke of Tuscany Pietro Leopoldo, especially those who told the events of the people of Patagonia, inhabited by gigantic beings. The first Europeans to meet this population of giants were the Portuguese of Ferdinando Magellano and the description of this meeting was written by an Italian …. Antonio Pigafetta one of the few survivors returned home from the long journey. This is the report of the meeting with the giants of Patagonia from the book published in 1524 “” … starting from here we reach up to 49 degrees to the Antarctic.

Florence free Tour
Activity B&B City Tour Free Tour Free Walking Tour Historic Tour History Tour

Royal Postal office of Florence

If you go to the Uffizi square and targe in the direction of the Arno on your right you will see after the construction site of the new Uffizi the door with the real post office. Once in that area there was a building where the famous gold “florin” was coined inside. But the architect Giorgio Vasari with extreme care in architectural details incorporated this structure in the Uffizi building creating a continuity of the entire body. As we subsequently know, the complex became the headquarters of the bureaucratic body of the new Grand Duke Cosimo I, but despite having passed several centuries, the function of the building as part of the Medici offices changed only in its new operational qualification.

Florence free tour
Activity B&B City Tour Food Free Tour Free Walking Tour Historic Tour History Tour Tradition

Breakfast at the Museum – The shops of science

At the Museum of Scanza Galileo Galilei, the exhibition of the artisans of Florence continues throughout the month of February and March. All weekends will be the practical exhibition, school of Florentine artisans. Activities aimed at young people and adults, focused on the recovery of the memory of ancient artisan techniques.

During the workshops – lasting about 90 minutes – the participants will attend practical demonstrations and at the end they will receive a useful guide to be able to repeat the activities carried out independently. The meeting for the booked is at 10.30 am at the ticket office. Before starting the activity, the museum will offer participants a tasty breakfast provided by the Caffetteria del Grano, Piazza del Grano 4, Florence, thanks to the support of Opera Laboratories Florentine.

florence free tour
Activity B&B City Tour Free Tour Free Walking Tour Historic Tour History Tour Tradition

Leggend of San Pietro Martire and the Devil

The restoration works of the external part of the Loggia del Bigallo in Piazza San Giovanni are finished: the first part of the interventions that will allow the Bigallo to return to shine in the center of Florence. On this occasion, now it is possible to see again the fresco that is located on the first floor of the history of San Pietro Martire and the devil. The Loggia del Bigallo was built between 1353 and 1358 instead of the Torre degli Adimari house, driven out of Florence during the wars between Guelphs and Ghibellines. The loggia was built for the Bigallo company and for the Compagnia della Misericordia, two institutions founded by San Pietro Martire who dealt with orphaned and abandoned children. The name “Bigallo” derives from two cockerels on the company’s coat of arms. According to the legend, the loggia rises at the point of the miracle that St. Peter Martyr made in Florence.